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Seitkazy Matayev applied to UN committee against torture

10 october 2017

On 9 October Seitkazy Matayev, chairman of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, has applied to the UN committee against torture in connection with his health condition and ongoing ignorance of medical reports by the judicial system.
Health condition of S. Matayev keeps on causing concern. His pressure is high under the diagnosis "Arterial hypertension III degree, risk - IV, hypertensive crisis". Moreover, he needs surgery. Now S. Matayev is staying in the medical unit of LA 155/14. 
"My application to the members of UN committee against tortures follows announcement of the human rights performance and people's health by the UN as a priority, especially in the detention facilities. Kazakhstan as a UN member signed and ratified the comprehensive declaration on human rights, the convention against tortures and other international pacts and treaties, it assumed liability to perform the comprehensive declaration on human rights and the convention against tortures in order to exclude recurrences on the territory of each UN member state," wrote S. Matayev in his application.
He indicated concrete facts of violation of his rights for health and life.
"I have been under arrest since February 22 2016. Since those days I have been in a pre-blood stroke condition, my diagnosis was confirmed by the city cardiological center of Almaty where I was urgently hospitalized in February and April 2016. There are medical reports of the experts of the center of forensic medicine of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan (N71 dated May 6 2016), of the national center of oncology and transplantology of the Ministry of Health Care of Kazakhstan (N4419 dated August 23 2016), of the central railway hospital "Railway hospital of the medicine of catastrophes" (N8152 dated September 12 2016). My diagnosis was confirmed by expert doctors of the highest category: "Arterial hypertension III degree, risk - IV, hypertensive crisis," he said.
Currently S. Matayev is getting in-patient care in the medical unit of LA 155/14. His high arterial pressure (200x100) can be confirmed by the records from his medical card since January 18 2017, and consulting physician K. Nurakhynova. Judge of Kapshagay city court Zh. Zhanbolatov did not draw any attention to the health condition of the patient and his need in kidneys and cerebrum surgery, ignoring forensic expertise and other documents at the judicial hearing on the request of S.Matayev to change the restraint measure dated July 19 2017.
Moreover, the judge refused to invite the consulting physician to the hearing saying that health condition of S. Matayev is not a matter of discussion. Judge of appellate collegiums of Almaty regional court Zhantasov also ignored the medical reports, although lawyers had been trying to draw his attention to the problem at the hearing on September 19 2017. All these facts are nothing but tortures.
"My 20 months stay in custody (since February 22 2016 until today) is violation of human rights and torture. Despite the diagnosis and medical reports of medical experts I cannot get qualified medical aid, including operation and health rehabilitation frustrated by arrest and long term confinement," said S. Matayev.

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