Pre-trial investigation against Sanat Urnaliev was opened in Uralsk
Pre-trial investigation on hooliganism against journalist of “Radio Azattyk” Sanat Urnaliev was opened in Uralsk because of the scuffle that took place overnight into August 11. The journalist is sure that the scuffle was provoked.
According to Sanat Urnaliev, two young men approached him on Kerdery street in Uralsk and started a typical “Do you have a cigarette?” conversation. As Urnaliev believes, that conversation was aimed to make him furious, since it was conducted very skillfully – it was a vapid conversation in a very aggressive, irritating manner.
At some point the atmosphere heated up to the point where the journalist gave one of the guys a slap in the face. After this, a scuffle began. The fighters were broke up by two acquaintances of Sanat, who were close by.
The next day policemen visited the jourrnalist at home. It turned out to be that th young man, whom Sanat slaped in the face, filed a police report of battery. According to the policemen, the victim, Sergy Bakasov, got a brain concussion.
- I did not see any document proving the brain concussion. But there is a medical certiicate of the frecture of the jaw on the left in the investigation pappers. – Sanat said. – It is interesting to note that the victim told the police my name and my passport and personal data. Howcanastrangeknowmesowell?
In order to clear the things up Sanat met Sergey Bakasov and he told that the head of youth branch of one of Uralsk Cossak community Namik Bayramov asked him to the scuffle. Bayramov was preset at the scuffle at Kerdery street as well. Sanat Urnaliev made a voice recording of the talk with Bakasov.
Later Sergey Bakasov filed an application to police that he had no claims to Sanat. Nevertheless the police informed Sanat that one more report was filed against him. According to the report, Namik Bayramov was beaten by him as well that night.
- I do not know how he is going to prove it, since I never to laid a finger on the secong guy. – Sanat Urnaliev said – He has no documents proving bodily blows. But as far as I know, he is recognised as victim in the case as well.