Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Happy World Press Freedom Day!

3 may 2017

The World Press Freedom Day is celebrated annually 03 May on the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly.  

This year our colleagues celebrate World Press Freedom Day behind bars:

Chairman of the Board of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seitkazy Matayev,

General Director of International Press Agency “KazTAG” Aset Matayev

Chief Editor of Newspaper “Tribuna. Sayasi Kalam” Zhanbolat Mamay. 

Some of our colleagues have to  celebrate World Press Freedom Day out of Kazakhstan, due to fear of repressions:

Natalia Sadykova

Irene Petrushova  

Bekzhan Idrisov

On May 03 employees of foundation “Adil Soz” together  with members of Public Committee for Protection of Zhanbolat Mamay came to the pre-trial detention facility №18, where arrested editor-in-chief of the newspaper Zhanbolat Mamay was confined; they forwarded a parcel with products and conveyed congratulations.  Everyone was dressed in T-shirt with a photo of Zhanbolat Mamay and with sign “Zhanbolat Mamay is not Dimon” and “Zhanbolat is Eaglet”.

The foundation “Adil Soz” proposes journalists to join in congratulations; they can send their telegrams to the following addresses: 73, Krasnogorskaya street HD “Facility LA 115/18”, 050045, Almaty (for Zhanbolat Mamay); Almaty Region, Ile District, rural settlement Zarechnyi  HD “Facility LA 115/14”, 9 brigade (for Seitkazy and Aset Matayevs) andthey also can post their messages on pages of Natalia Sadykova, Irene Petrushova and Bekzhan Idrisov in social networks.

Dear Colleagues Happy World Press Freedom Day!

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