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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Adviser to President Ermukhamet Ertysbayev charged media outlets with violation of Constitution

30 november 2010
Journalists of the newspaper and portal "Respublika" have distributed a statement, where they expressed their disagreement with opinion of Adviser to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ermukhamet Ertysbayev during Review Conference on the Human Dimension of the OSCE on November 27, 2010. He has said also that website and newspaper "Respublika" and other opposition newspapers violated fifth article of the Constitution. It forbids incitement of national, racial and religious enmity. There are articles, related to insult of person in criminal code. If newspapers do not keep the law, they will face to problems.

Editorial staff of the newspaper and portal "Respublika" noted that such public charges have been extreme dangerous. Focus on actual problem of the society would have been as attempt of forced change of the foundation of the constitutional system. Criminal cases would be opened thanks to Ertysbayev's good grace. They thought that his speech has been as warning; were informed by their information sources in "Ak Orda" about the closure of "Respublika" after summit. The case on violation of constitution would be framed up quickly and unrepugnant court would issue advantageous ruling for the authority. This ruling would be distributed in Internet and out of Internet, for example cases with respect to Sergei Duvanov, Eugene Zhovtis, Ramazan Esergepov and e.g.

Journalists of newspaper and portal "Respublika" addressed to all summit participants of the OSCE in Astana. They should pay their attention to this statement of Adviser to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ermukhamet Ertysbayev and give hard-edged mark.
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