Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Media representatives were ordered to pay for making of photo and video record in international airport of Astana

17 november 2010
There was information on imposing of tariff for making of photo and video record on territory of airport in chapter "Press Center- Photo and Video Record" on the website of international airport of Astana on November 17, 2010. There fixed tariffs for making of photo and video recording KZT13854 (USD94) during three hours on airways terminal and railroad terminal, KZT4618 (USD31) for next hour; KZT31109 (USD211) for three hours of the process on platform, media representatives should pay KZT10370 (USD70).

Servicemen of International Foundaion for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" regarded these actions as restriction of access to public important information and violation of constitutional rights of citizens under article 20 of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It restricts the freedom of professional activity of journalists, according to law "On Mass Media"; can adversely affect on image of the Republic of Kazakhstan, before holding of summit of the OSCE.

Representative of "Adil Soz" contacted with Manager of Service of Corporate Relationships and Marketing of Airport Ailina Kami (her name was mentioned in information on the website). Ailina Kami forwarded an issue to other official. She said that these fixed tariffs were used for making of commercial video shooting. But, there was no any notion "commercial videorecording".

Representative of "Adil Soz" visited concrete website of airport of Astana after the contact with press service of airport. There was no any information on it.
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