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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Circulation of newspaper "Novosti Karachaganaka" was seized according to court decision

17 november 2010
Servicemen of Public Prosecutor's Office of Burlinsk District of West Kazakhstan Oblast instituted administrative proceedings against editorial staff of regional newspaper "Novosti Karachaganaka". The newspaper did not mention about publication frequency in its output.

Servicemen of Public Prosecutor's Office of Burlinsk District of West Kazakhstan Oblast thought that editorial staff of the newspaper "Novosti Karachaganaka" violated provisions of law "On Mass Media". Chief Editor of the newspaper "Novosti Karachaganaka" O. Peregudov admitted his guilt. He was fined on twenty monthly assesment indicies; circulation of the newspaper was seized.

It was connected with technical error. Journalistic organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan proposed to exclude sanctions as seizure of circulation and suspension of media issue for non-significant technical errors. There are next arguments: a) homage of rights and reputation of other persons; b)protection of state security, public order, health, or ethic of population, under p.3 article 19 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005; restriction of right for freedom of expression has been accessible. This information has been provided in draft of legislative proposals of new edition of Code of Administrative Violations, which was submitted to Majilis of Parliament by Coalition of Journalistic NGO's. Technical errors were not related to above mentioned positions during collection and distribution of mass media. Technical personnel of media editorial offices did not fulfill its obligations (it meant violation of right of wide range of readers for the collection and distribution of information). However, proposals were not acepted by the society.
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