Press Freedom Index 2010 demonstrated significant worsening of situation in Kazakhstan
20 october 2010
International organization "Reporters Without Borders" has published the rating of press freedom index 2010.
Finland, Island and Netherlands take three first lines; North Korea and Eritrea took two last ones.
Republics of former USSR have the best situation with freedom of press in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia (9-th, 11-th and 30-th place).
Kazakhstan takes 162 place of 178 ones in rating in comparison with previous rating (there were 37 points).
Analysts of international organization "Reporters Without Borders" noted that Kazakhstan takes 162-th place, Kyrgyzstan 159-th place and Uzbekistan 163-th one.
Astana has examples of constant attacks on media outlets and journalists. State officials could not solve this problem and release jailed Ramazan Esergepov.
Press Freedom Index is published from 2002. It is consisted of fifty criterions such as, usage of violence against journalists (for example, murder, kidnapping, imprisonment and e.g.) and usage of violence against mass media (for example, censorship, seizure of the edition and e.g.).
There are 15 public organizations as experts. They focused on monitoring of problems with freedom of speech and about 150 journalists from diffrent countries.
Republic of Kazakhstan has the next process in rating.
2002 – 116th place of 139 countries
2003 - 138th place of 166 countries
2004 - 131th place of 167 countries
2005 – 119th place of 167 countries
2006 - 128th place of 168 countries
2007 - 125th place of 169 countries
2008 – 125th place of 173 countries
2009 - 162th place of 178 countries
Finland, Island and Netherlands take three first lines; North Korea and Eritrea took two last ones.
Republics of former USSR have the best situation with freedom of press in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia (9-th, 11-th and 30-th place).
Kazakhstan takes 162 place of 178 ones in rating in comparison with previous rating (there were 37 points).
Analysts of international organization "Reporters Without Borders" noted that Kazakhstan takes 162-th place, Kyrgyzstan 159-th place and Uzbekistan 163-th one.
Astana has examples of constant attacks on media outlets and journalists. State officials could not solve this problem and release jailed Ramazan Esergepov.
Press Freedom Index is published from 2002. It is consisted of fifty criterions such as, usage of violence against journalists (for example, murder, kidnapping, imprisonment and e.g.) and usage of violence against mass media (for example, censorship, seizure of the edition and e.g.).
There are 15 public organizations as experts. They focused on monitoring of problems with freedom of speech and about 150 journalists from diffrent countries.
Republic of Kazakhstan has the next process in rating.
2002 – 116th place of 139 countries
2003 - 138th place of 166 countries
2004 - 131th place of 167 countries
2005 – 119th place of 167 countries
2006 - 128th place of 168 countries
2007 - 125th place of 169 countries
2008 – 125th place of 173 countries
2009 - 162th place of 178 countries