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Journalists of information video portal "Stan.kz" faced to pressure of state authority

13 october 2010
Last six months servicemen of information video portal "Stan.kz" face to strong pressure of state authority. From April, 2010 LLP "Stan Production" is inspected by servicemen of financial and tax police. But, there were no any violations.

There were facts of direct pressure upon regional journalists. On October 05, 2010 Deputy for Akim (Governor) of Ust-Kamenogorsk Nurgaziev has advised to reporter of portal Alla Stepanova not to cover the protest of pensioners, related to increased tariifs for the fare. On October 08, 2010 a car of film crew "Stan.kz" was stopped by officers of department of internal affairs (South Kazakhstan region). They asked to show video camera for the control. Police officers explained that they did not like suspicious-looking camera man.

During year editorial staff has submitted five letters-requests Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They asked about accreditation of the journalist. But, their attempts yielded no result. In addition, Representative Officer of Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhiger Baytelesov asked about acknowledgement of website registration in Ministry of Culture and Information. It was necessary for the accreditation supposedly. Lawyer of video portal has prepared necessary documents and sent them to ministry. She had a reponse; Internet-portals were not registered, according to law "On Mass Media" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Servicemen of Internet-portal "Stan.kz" have said about it at press conference on October 13, 2010 in Almaty. They think that there is only a political motivation in materials. Journalists insist on stoppage of pressure upon them of state authority. The right for collection and distribution of information is enshrined in Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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