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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

International Day of Solidarity of Journalists

7 september 2010
International Foundation of Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” and Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan congratulates citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan with International Day of Solidarity of Journalists.

This holiday was founded in 1958 in Bucharest at four congress of International Organization of Journalists. This Congress was devoted to memory of Czech journalist Yulius Fuchik. He was put to death on September 08, 1943 by fascists. There are actions devoted to memory of dead journalists, solidarity and who is persecuted for the distribution of truth information.

International Foundation of Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” and Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan carry out press conference. It will be held on September 08, 2010 at 14.30 p.m. in national press club.

Partcipants of the press conference:

1.Chairman of Board of Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Seyitkazy Matayev;

2.Head of Public Center of Independent Expertise of Information Disputes Galiya Azhenova;

3.Coordinator of IFEX (International Freedom of Expression Exchange) Elena Malygina;

4. Lawyer of TV Company "TAN" Daulet Zhumabekov.

The action, which is devoted to memory of dead journalists will be conducted near office of press club after press conference.
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