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Editorial staff stopped issue of newspaper "Vecherka" They made protest against illegal actions

9 august 2010
As KazTA informed that weekly newspaper "Vecherka" (Ridder, East Kazakhstan region) stopped its edition from August, 2010. Chief Editor of the newspaper "Vecherka" Ludmila Moskvicheva has said about in her open letter, which was addressed to Akim (Governor) of East Kazakhstan Berdybek Saparbayev.

She has said that newspaper participated in tender of akimat (administration) of Ridder for implementation of information services. It was pronounced the winner by electronic system. However, Department of Internal Policy of Ridder has refused to conclude a treaty.

Editorial staff filed a suit to court. The court has dismissed a suit of the editorial staff after three month legal proceeding. Servicemen of akimat (administration) referred to incorrect item of lot of state purchase.

Editorial staff of the newspaper "Vecherka" was unsatisfied by court decision. They made an appeal to East Kazakhstan Regional Court. Editor-in-chief stopped an issue of the newspaper "Vecherka" before closing of legal proceeding and as a protest against illegal actions.

A subscription for next year as compensation was promised to subscribers of the newspaper "Vecherka", or they could get money.

Contact information: newspaper "Vecherka" is a weekly edition in Ridder. Its circulation is about 1000 copies.
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