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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Court dismissed suit of Raushan Yesergepova to Ministry of Communication and Information about blocking of websites

21 july 2010
There was a legal proceeding by suit of Raushan Yesergepova to Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Medeu District Court of Almaty on July 20, 2010. It did not take any drastic measures of blocking of Internet-resources. The court has dismissed suit. Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan has not been in charge to ask about information on access to Internet-resource from operators and providers.

Raushan Yesergepova has been the first person, who has brought a suit against Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of campaign “For Free Internet”.

On June 29, 2010 there was a legal proceeding by suit of Raushan Yesergepova to Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan as supervision authority, which provided licenses for providers. Representative of plaintiff, lawyer Sergey Utkin proposed to come to amicable agreement. Servicemen of Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan have said about their readiness to solve a problem with the blocking of websites in Kazakhstan. They did not exclude any amicable agreement.

On July 08, 2010 Ministry of Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan will not solve a problem, which was connected with illegal blocking of popular websites. Representative of Ministry of Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan said about it to Sergey Utkin. He referred to the staff decision.

Raushan Yesergepova was unsatisfied by court decision. She will make an appeal against court's decision in the highest instance.
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