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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Litigations of Internet-users with Ministry of Communication and Information of Republic of Kazakhstan were continued

9 july 2010
In May 2010 Internet-users of fifteen regions of Kazakhstan, Astana and Almaty have brought more 120 suits against Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was connected with illegal blocking of some popular Internet-resources. Plaintiffs thought that they had no any right for getting of information. Courts examined thirty five suits; 19 of them were examined.

On June 29, 2010 there was a legal proceeding by suit of Raushan Esergepova to Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan as supervision authority, which provided licences for providers. Representative of plaintiff, lawyer Sergey Utkin proposed to come to amicable agreement. Servicemen of Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan have said about their readiness to solve a problem with the blocking of websites in Kazakhstan. They did not exclude any amicable agreement.

On July 08, 2010 Ministry of Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan will not solve a problem, which was connected with illegal blocking of popular websites. Representative of Ministry of Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan said about it to Sergey Utkin. He referred to the staff decision.

Activist of campaign "For Free Internet" Eugeniya Plakhina has brought the same suit against Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This suit was examined in Almaly District Court №2 of Almaty during two months. The charges stemmed from long-term of forum-partner “Respublika”, blocking of Internet-portal “Respublika” and some its “mirrors”. There was no any decision of their owner, or court about closure of these web-resources.

Plaintiff thought, that Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan should make state and technical control of the communication; it did not take any measures of renewal of constitutional rights of users for free getting of information.

There was no any legal proceeding by this suit. Lawyer of Foundation “Adil Soz” Ganna Krasilnikova said that legal proceeding will be held on July 14, 2010. It was done by request of Chief Inspector of Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Almaty and Almaty region.
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