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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalist Katherine Belyaeva was detained She was fined on fifty monthly assessment indices for carrying out of protest action

22 june 2010
On June 20, 2010 Katherine Belyaeva made a protest action. She expressed her disagreement, concerning law "On Leader of Nation" of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Katherine Belyaeva opened her placard "President make resititution of Constitution to us!" on Square of the Republic near Stela of Independence. Police officers took her placard and tore it. She was detained and sent to District Department of Internal Affairs. Katherine Belyaeva and her lawyer have been there during five hours.

On June 22, 2010 Specialized Inter District Administrative Court of Almaty has examined a case. Deputy for Chief Editor of the newspaper "Vzglyad" Katherine Belyaeva was charged under article 373 "Violation of law on organization order and holding of peaceful assemblies, rallies, marches, pickets and demonstrations" and article 355 "Failure to comply with regulations or willful disobedience of lawful order or request of law enforcement officers" of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She was fined on ten monthly assessment indices (KZT14130/USD96) under article 373 "Violation of law on organization order and holding of peaceful assemblies, rallies, marches, pickets and demonstrations" and forty monthly assessment indices (KZT56520/USD385) under article 355 "Failure to comply with regulations or willful disobedience of lawful order or request of law enforcement officers"of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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