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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalists Zhanna Baytelova and Bozhan Kurakbayev were fined for discharge of professional duty

4 may 2010
On May 01, 2010 correspondent of opposition edition “Golos Respubliki” Zhanna Baytelova and reporter of the newspaper “Samala” Bozhan Kurakbayev were detained by police officers. Journalists made report on meeting of democratic community on territory of office non-registered party “Alga”.

They showed their service certificates; have been in Bostandyk District Department of Internal Affairs more four hours. Journalists asked police officers to provide lawyer and public prosecutor for them.

Specialized Inter District Administrative Court of Almaty has made a ruling for journalists. They were charged with violation of article 373 “Violation of legislation of order of organization or conduction of meeting, rally, picket, demonstration and other public arrangement” of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zhanna Baytelova was fined on forty monthly assessment indices (KZT 56520/USD384) and Bozhan Kurakbayev was fined on fifteen monthly assessment indices (KZT 21195/USD 144) according to court ruling.
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