Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Internet-portal of newspaper “Respublika” was blocked

29 april 2010
Internet-portal of the newspaper “Respublika” (http://www.respublika-kaz.info, http://www.respublika-kz.info and http://www.respublika-kaz.net) and website of the newspaper “Golos Respubliki” (http://www.respublika-kz.biz, http://www.respublika-kz.com and http://www.respublika-d2.com) were blocked by provider “Kazakhtelecom” inside in Kazakhstan on April 29, 2010. Editorial staff did not receive any warnings and notifications from Kazakhstan’s provider and other organizations.

Editorial staff of Internet-portal of the newspaper “Respublika” disseminated a press release.

They have been interested in reasons of blocking of portal “Respublika” and website of the newspaper “Golos Respubliki”.

This edition was delivered via email.

The latest news of the newspaper could be read on blogs and social networks: http://blogs.mail.ru/mail/respublika-kaz, http://respublika-kaz.ya.ru/index_blog.xml, http://www.respublika-kaz.livejournal.com and http://www.respublika-kz.blogpost.com. 
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