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Internet- users have made attempt to send open letter to JSC “Kazakhtelecom” They have been subjected to administrative liability

26 april 2010

Specialized Inter District Court of Almaty made a ruling for activists of campaign “For Free Internet!” Irene Mednikova and Zhanna Baytelova on April 23, 2010. They were charged with organization or conduction of meeting, protests, rallies, pickets, demonstrations and other public arrangements; participation in illegal meeting, protests, rallies, pickets, demonstrations and other public arrangements under Article 373 p1-3 of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Zhanna Baytelova was fined on twenty monthly assessment indices (KZT 28260/USD 192) and Irene Mednikova was warned by administrative means.

The charges stemmed from flash-mob, which was conducted by activists of campaign “For Free Internet!” near JSC “Kazakhtelecom” on April 21, 2010. They have been with masks of Kuanyshbek Yesekeyev and whistles. It was necessary to send an open letter to Head of JSC “Kazakhtelecom” Kuanushbek Yesekeyev. They demanded unlocking of blog “Live Journal” and forum of information and analytical portal “Respublika”. Irene Mednikova has pointed out that there was no any reaction to statements, appeals and other ones of Head of JSC “Kazakhtelecom” Kuanushbek Yesekeyev. The staff of JSC “Kazakhtelecom” did not take an open letter.
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