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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Internet–users intended to protect their rights

16 april 2010
Activists of the campaign “For Free Internet!” of Centre of Youth Initiatives “Zhastar” proposed conduction of action to protect constitutional rights of Internet-users.

First, they tried to visit barred Internet-resources http://www.livejournal.com, http://blogspot.com and forum-partner of the newspaper “Respublika” http://comment-resp.com with the help of different providers. This experiment will be recorded on video camera in the presence of representatives of civil society. Official documented outputs should be one of the main proofs that provider “Kazakhtelecom” blocked access to Internet-resources without court decision.

Activists intended to attach this video record as proof to their lawsuits, against Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Activists of the campaign “For Free Internet!” called on Internet-users to bring suits and claims against provider “Kazakhtelecom LLP” for rendering of poor quality services.
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