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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

General Prosecutor’s Office still controlled statement of journalists of Internet-portal “Stan.kz”

8 april 2010
On March 17, 2010 servicemen of traffic police stopped a car with journalists on the way to Zhanaozen. Journalists went to there for making of review, concerning strike of oilmen. It had happened on SCP “Rubez № 20 Aktau”. Policemen examined documents of the driver. They demanded to show documents of film crew of information video portal “Stan.kz” by illegal way. There were correspondents Tatiana Kovaleva, Azamat Esbergenov, camera man Tokmoldy Kusainov and journalist of the newspaper “Golos Respubliki” Zhanna Baytelova. But, servicemen of traffic police did not introduce themselves.

General Producer of Internet-portal “Stan.kz” Alexander Gabchenko has addressed to Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Mami and Minister of Internal Affairs S. Baygambetov. He demanded to make answerable traffic policemen, which were involved in this incident.

On March 29, 2010 General Prosecutor’s Office ordered to First Deputy for Public Prosecutor of Mangystau oblast Abdigaliev control arguments in the statement inform journalists and servicemen of General Prosecutor’s Office till April 05, 2010.

There was no any information on results of control.
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