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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Journalist Nazipa Mambekova was charged with extortion

8 april 2010
Correspondent of the newspaper “El Birligi Ushin” Nazipa Mambekova was charged with extortion under article 181, p.1 “Extortion” of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The charges stemmed from next situation. Nazipa Mambekova has met with workers of construction company, which made major repairs of kindergarten in Arys. Workers told to journalist that they did not get a salary during some months. N. Mambekova has made a letter-request to City Akimat (Administration). She asked to provide additional information on conditions of the tender on repair of object.

A representative of construction company called to Nazipa on February 27, 2010. It proposed to meet and promised to provide documents for journalist. Nazipa Mambekova was detained after that she received weighty parcel. There were 300000 tenge ($2054).

Financial Police performed an inspection by this fact. It did not give any comments. Nazipa Mambekova gave a written undertaking not to leave a place.
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