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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Proper correspondent of newspaper “Svoboda Slova” Igor Larra was beaten

25 march 2010
Proper correspondent of newspaper “Svoboda Slova” of West Kazakhstan region Igor Larra was beaten near his house.

Editorial staff thought that there was targeted attack on journalist for his professional activity.

Lately, Igor has made detailed review about strike of oilmen in Zhanaozen; problems connected with domestic and foreign oil producers of the region.

He had meeting with Head of Regional Branch of NSDP “Azat” Aydos Sadykov on March 22, 2010. Igor took Sadykov, after that three unknown persons came to him. They asked him about his name and said to him “halloo from Zhanaozen” and began to beat him.

Attackers did not take dictophone, photo camera and wallet of the journalist.

Larra is currently resting at home and recovering from the injuries he sustained in the attack, which include a broken nose, jaw and multiple contusions of head.

Igor Larra has said to correspondent of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” that he did not address to law-enforcement organs.
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