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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Mikhail Kozachkov's constitutional rights flouted

18 december 2022

Igor Pan, Mikhail's lawyer, is reporting restriction of his defendant's right to  defense. 

“I waited in the lobby of the Economic Investigation Department  (EID) for about an hour or more. They said that the investigator was with his chiefs. Then Mikhail was taken out and hurriedly taken away. EID officers said they took him to the detention center. We, his lawyers, were initially deprived of an opportunity for a confidential conversation with Mikhail. They violate Mikhail's rights to protection guaranteed by the Constitution and our lawyers' rights to a confidential conversation not limited in time,” Igor Pan told the Adil Soz Foundation. 

The search and other investigative activities were conducted in the absence of a lawyer as well. 

In accordance to Section 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan the fundamental rights of a person include  the right to life, the right for qualified legal assistance (Article 13) and the right to  the assistance of a lawyer from the moment of detention (Article 16). 

Besides, the "innocent until proven guilty" principle is grossly violated. 

The fundamental constitutional rights of a journalist are flouted. 

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