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International Sports Press Association ask for immediate release of Mikhail Kozachkov

25 january 2023

International Sports Press Association (AIPS) reported on arrest of Mikhail Kozachkov and asked for his immediate release.

«Kazakhstani investigative journalist Mikhail Kozachkov - also a sports journalist in his career for media including Sovetsky Sport (Russia), UEFA.com, Prosport, Liter, and Gazeta.kz - has been arrested and detained in jail from December 18, 2022. Officers from Kazakhstan’s Financial Monitoring Agency (FMA) arrested him in the southern city of Almaty.  In a statement published on Telegram on December 18, 2022, FMA accused Kozachkov of taking bribes from an organized crime group and, alongside an acquaintance of his, of receiving 52 million tenges (US$111,200) from the criminal group to obtain and publish information discrediting several of its victims, being also affiliated in his information network with an assistant of the brother of former President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The International Sport Press Association strongly condemn this fake news and accusations related to Mikhail Kozachkov and ask for his immediate release and for a quick solution in order to solve the matter as soon as possible», - the statement says.

AIPS also reminded that Mikhail has been under pressure since the beginning of 2022, he received notifications of an attempt to hack accounts in the mail, Telegram, and WhatsApp, his family started receiving menaces of death if Mikhail did not stop his activities as a journalist and deleted some materials. AIPS mentioned violation of the constitutional rights of Mikhail Kozachkov as well. 

«The International Sport Press Association asks for the immediate release of Mikhail Kozachkov: Values including freedom of expression, speech, movement, opinion and free dissemination of information, must always be guaranteed, in every situation, regardless of context and situation. By releasing him, Kazakh authorities should also ensure that members of the press are not prosecuted in retaliation for their work.
AIPS will continue to monitor the situation and fight in defence of principles and rights that should always be guaranteed not only to journalists but to each individual», - the statement says.

The International Sports Press Association (AIPS) is the peak professional body representing the international sports media, with more than 9,500 members worldwide.

AIPS was established in Paris, in 1924.

AIPS is made up of 160 Member Associations and is comprised of four Continental Sections, each with its own history and leadership. Continental Sections include Asia, America, Europe and Africa.

The AIPS card, as the only official press card recognised across all borders, has the backup of a unique and important network of contacts, information and communications linking more than 10,000 journalists in 161 countries, representing the leading international daily newspapers, periodicals and radio and television channels across the five continents.

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