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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

In Almaty, journalist of "Radio Azattyk" was prevented from asking a question to the city mayor

14 july 2023

During the opening of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in Almaty, journalist Meirim Bakytzhanova from "Radio Azattyk" attempted to ask a question to the city mayor, Erbolat Dosayev. However, she was unable to do so as several strong men grabbed her and pulled her aside. They held onto her until the mayor's car had left. When she tried to ask questions to Vice Minister of Information and Public Development, Kanat Iskakov, she was again grabbed. However, the Vice Minister was more talkative and gave instructions to release the journalist and answered her questions. 

"I experienced intense psychological pressure. I was brought to tears. I didn't want to show my weakness, but I couldn't hold back. Nevertheless, I continued to cover the story even under such circumstances," Meirim told "Adil Soz" Foundation. 
While the editorial team intends to inform the relevant authorities about the incident, if adequate measures are not taken, journalists are prepared to file a complaint with the police regarding the obstruction of their lawful professional activities. 

"Adil Soz" comments: In accordance with Article 20 of the Law on Mass Media, journalists have the right to search for and obtain information, be present at peaceful gatherings, and express public, group, and personal interests by presenting their journalist identification and distinctive signs, and record using audiovisual equipment. 

As evident from the video footage, the journalist was lawfully present at a public event using audiovisual equipment. No one is entitled to use physical force against a journalist or create conditions that obstruct the journalist's lawful professional activities. 
Interfering with lawful professional activity of a journalist by a person using their official position, as well as by employing violence, is a criminal offense under Part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code, which is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years and a prohibition from holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities for up to three years. 

From the video footage, it is apparent that at least six individuals in civilian clothing, led by a man in a blue shirt, dark glasses, and a cap, directly obstructed the journalist by using physical force against her. Moreover, the journalist is heard loudly stating that she is a journalist while holding a microphone. The intentional interfering with the journalist's activities by an organized group of individuals is evident. 

According to Article 180 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, information in the media serves as grounds for initiating a pre-trial investigation, similar to a statement submitted to a law enforcement agency. 

The International Foundation for the Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" hopes that the General Prosecutor's Office will promptly initiate a criminal case under Part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code and assign a pre-trial investigation to an independent body separate from the officials involved in the mentioned criminal offense.



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