Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Election journalist: duties, rights and assistance

18 november 2022

Throughout the  work time of the election commission, one representative from each media outlet has the right to be present at the polling station if he/she has an official certificate and an editorial assignment.

Media representatives are obliged to:

1 not interfere with the electoral process, the procedures for vote count and decision- making by the election commission;

2) not take any actions interfering with the activities of the election commission;

3) fulfill the requirements of the election commission’s chairperson regarding the rules of conduct in a polling station as established by the corresponding election commission;

4) be impartial, not to express preference in respect of a specific candidate or a political party.

Media representatives have the right to:

carry out search, request, receive and distribute information;

make records, including the use of audiovisual technology, cine- and photographic survey, with the exception of cases, prohibited by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;;

receive access to the documents and materials, with the exception of their fragments, containing the details that are the state secrets;.

Criminal liability under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided for interfering with the legal professional activity of a journalist (by coercion him (her) to dissemination or refuse to dissemination of information, as well as by creating conditions, preventing to execution by the journalist of the legal professional activity or deprives him (her) of such opportunit).

In case of violation of their rights, journalists can contact the police, the prosecutor's office and the court.

If you think that your professional rights have been violated on election day and you need legal, informational assistance or advice, contact us at:

8 701 400 7977;

8 777 242 0802;

8 705 873 7175,


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