Attempted detention of journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov in Uralsk
This morning law enforcement forces tried to detain journalist and civil activist Lukpan Akhmedyarov. Akhmedyarov's car was stopped at Sholokhov Street. A station wagon blocked the journalist's car and people in black and masks jumped out and tried to open Akhmedyarov’s car door. They did not succeed since, according to Akhmedyarov, the car blocks the doors on the move. After a short attempt to open the car, the special forces left.
Then police officers approached the journalist's car and told him to come to the city police department since an administrative case was initiated against him. Lukpan went there accompanied by a police car.
The city department police officer informed the journalist that, according to a police report, he organized an illegal rally on April 9th. Now the journalist is waiting for the administrative court hearings. Lawyer Mereke Gabdualiev stays with him at the police station. The journalist believes that his detention is caused by his planned trip to Zhanaozen to report on the situation in the city.
- Last night my cameraman Raul Uporov and I discussed a possible trip to Zhanaozen, - says Lukpan. And it all started in the morning. The police report, saying that I organized a rally, is dated by the current date. So I assume that the administrative case is a preventive action so that we do not go to Zhanaozen. I am charged with breaking article 488 part 7 of the Code of Administrative Infraction. That means a fine or a 15-days arrest. I suppose that I will be arrested to be sure that we will not go anywhere.
Lukpan Akhmedyarov publishes videos on his YouTube channel “Prosto Zhurnalistika”, telling about important events taking place in the country.