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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

A large-scale rally against pressure on the media was held in Kyrgyzstan

28 october 2022

“On October 28 due to the unprecedented pressure on free media in Kyrgyzstan a large-scale information campaign against pressure on the media will start under a single hashtag #kuchchyndykta #silavpravde. On October 28, Blackout Day is announced - a one-time cessation of broadcasting / posting news from 9 AM to 12 PM. At this period of time black box with the text “There is no news. There is pressure on the media” will be placed instead of news”- reads the description of the action.

Besides the media will not publish press releases from state bodies throughout the day.

According to KazTAG news agency, the Ministry of Culture of Kyrgyzstan issued a decision to block the Azattyk website for a period of two months for publishing an article about the situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border that officials considered to be false. In response, civic organizations and the media published an open appeal in which they opposed to such measures. On October 28 they began a large-scale action.

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