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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan February, 2015 (Digest)

Download 1 february 2015

International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech «Adil Soz» has conducted a survey, concerning in the sphere of violation of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in February, 2015.

There was following information:
- Court decision on closure of magazine «ADAM bol» came into effect.
-The Department of Printed Media and Activity of Internet-Resources of Committee of Informatization and Information has sent«recommendations» fornon-state-owned media to  privately-owned media, in order to provide information materials and thematical trends for 2015.
-Journalist of newspaper «Uralskaya Nedelya» ("Ural's Week") Maria Kovaleva was suspected in dissemination of misleading information.
-The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan has introducted a term «on-line media» and its compulsory registration.
- Court has acquitted journalist Oksana Zhivitskaya of charge with slander and insult.

Three judicial acts of earlier considered cases over suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were passed in February. They also, included one in appellate instance; two of them in favour of journalists and citizens.
Since the beginning of the year in connection with execution of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, they were brought:

- 2 charges with slander (incl., 1 – passing data);
- 1 charge with incitement of national enmity;
- 1 charge with dissemination of misleading information (article 274 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
- 22 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation.

From January, courts considered 11 cases over suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation (incl., 7 – passing data) in the total amount of KZT340000000 (incl., KZT289000000 – passing data).


Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan February, 2015 (Digest)
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