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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan in July, 2014 (Digest)

Download 1 july 2014

International foundation for protection of freedom of speech “Adil Soz” has conducted survey of violation in the sphere of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in Kazakhstan, in July, 2014. 

There was following information:
- Servicemen of company «Galaxy group»attacked on camera man of press agency  «Tengrinews»YuriSjedin.
- Trial on journalist Valeriy Surganov who was charged with slander with regard to judge Daniya Kisikova was completed by pacific settlement.
- A businessman from Petropavlovsk asked court to impose recovery of KZT1000000 (1USD=182.00) from Galina Vorobieva for her appeal to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
-The correspondent of Internet-portal
«16/12»Andrey Tsukanov was sentenced to fifteen days of administrative arrest for malicious nonconformity to legal enactment or order of internal affairs officer during coverage of arrangement«Subtenant»

In July, 2014 media outlets and citizens dealt with three suits about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation.
One judgment was rendered.
In general, since the start of the year media outlets and citizens in connection with exercise of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information dealt with:
- 13 charges with libel and slander;
- 55 pre-trial complaints on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation in the amount of KZT two hundred and ten millions and eight hundred and thousands. 

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan in July, 2014 (Digest)
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