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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. February, 2017 (Digest)

Download 1 february 2017

International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech «Adil Soz» has conducted analysis of violations of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in February, 2017 in Kazakhstan.


There was following information:


-The National Bureau of Anti-Corruption has suspected editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Sayasi Kalam. Tribuna» Zhanbolat Mamay of laundering of part of funds, embezzled in “BTA Bank” under the pretense of conduction of legal financial operations through newspaper «Sayasi Kalam. Tribuna». The journalist Zhanbolat Mamay categorically denied charges with regard to him. He believed that it was politically motivated criminal prosecution.

-Court hearings towards suit of Ex-Minister of Finances and State Revenues Z. Kakimzhanov, who filed it against journalists of the editorial staff of Internet-portal “Ratel.kz” they have been declared closed.

-The criminal case has been reopened with regard to human rights activist from Ridder A. Kharlamov. Hewassuspectedofincitementofreligioushatred.  

-The Rector of Central Kazakhstan Academy B. Zhunusov charged journalist Nick Kravts with slander and illegal collection of information on privacy.  

 -The resident of Aktobe S. Dosov was sentenced to three years of deprivation of liberty, earlier he was charged with criticism of the President of the Russian Federation in social networks.  

In February, 2017 seven judicial acts towards cases over protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were passed (including three ones in the appellate instance). And three ones were passed in favour of media outlets, journalists and citizens. There were demands of compensation of moral damage in the amount of KZT65 millions and 60 thousands.  

Since the beginning of the year in connection with execution of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, they were brought:

-1 charge with involvement in embezzlement of funds.

-1 charge with slander.

-1 charge with slander and illegal collection of information on privacy.

-3 charges with incitement of religious enmity.

-1 charge with incitement of social enmity.

- 8 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation.

-1 charge with violation of law “On Order of Organization and Conduction of Peaceful Assemblies, Rallies, Street Pickets and Demonstrations” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.   

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. February, 2017 (Digest)
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