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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. November, 2016 (Digest)

Download 1 november 2016

International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech «Adil Soz» has conducted analysis of violations of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in November, 2016 in Kazakhstan.


There was following information:


-There was a launching of pre-trial investigation with regard to editor-in-chief of the newspaper “CentralAsiaMonitor” and Internet-portal “Radiotochka.kz” Bigeldy Gabdullin. Hewassuspectedofextortion. Human rights activists observed for actions of law enforcement agencies, they supposed that this case was conducted with accusative manner.


-Civil activists Maks Bokaev and Talgat Ayan they were sentenced to five years of deprivation of liberty; were charged with incitement of social enmity, dissemination of knowingly false information and violation of an order of organization of rally. The sentence has not been come into effect yet.


-The resident of Pavlodar Ruslan Ginatullin was charged with incitement of national enmity for re-post of video references which were posted in open access to YouTube.


-The Supervisory Board which was presided by A. Kasymov, judges T. Ibrashev and E. Ismailov has ruled to reduce amount of moral damage to KZT5000000. It was connected with complaint of the editorial staff of newspaper “Zhas Alash”, its editor-in-chief Rysbek Sarsenbaiuly, journalist Meruert Tursybekova and Guliya Alikhankyzy. They disputed decision of Board of Appeals of City Court of Almaty. According to it, they should recover KZT40000000 to holder of some titles for acupuncturist Zhasan Zekeiuly as moral damage compensation jointly and severally.


In November, 2016 eight judicial acts towards cases over protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were passed. And six ones were passed in favour of media outlets, journalists and citizens.


Since the beginning of the year in connection with execution of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, they were brought:


-49 charges with slander (23 – passing data, Amangeldy Botabekov; 22 lectures of Institute of Economy and Law);


-2 charges with propaganda or public calls on forced seizure of power;


-12 charges with incitement of social, religious and national enmity (article 174 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan); 3 of them are passing data S. Mambetalin, E. Narymbaev and E. Thaichibekov;


-2 charges with propaganda of terrorism (1-passing data, B. Satkangulov);


-12 charges with dissemination of knowingly false information (article 274 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


-1 charge with evasion of the payment of taxes;


-1 charge with embezzlement of entrusted of the other property;


-2 charges with fraud;


-1 charge with extortion;

And etc.

-78 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation

From January-November, courts passed 46 judicial acts of suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation (in first instance- 32) in the total amount of KZT736 millions 460 thousands and 01, actually KZT14 millions and 860 thousands were recovered.

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. November, 2016 (Digest)
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