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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan February, 2016 (Digest)

Download 1 february 2016

International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech«Adil Soz» has conducted a survey of violations of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in February, 2016 in Kazakhstan.

There was following information:

The Department of Anti-Corruption Service (Almaty) has initiated case towards charge of Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, Head of National Press Club Seitkazy Matayev with embezzlement of public funds and evasion of payment of taxes. Human rights defenders stated about violations of his rights for protection and violation of presumption of innocence.

A resident of Karaganda charged three journalists of newspapers «Vechernya Karaganda»and«Liter»with slander.

The journalist of website “NAKANUNE.kz”Julia Kozlova was found non-guilty of possession of drugs.

The taking into account of owner of website “NAKANUNE.kz” journalist Guzyal Baidalinova was expanded before 23rd March, 2016.

The appellate instance has upheld sentence which was passed to the editor of newspaper «Version»Yaroslav Golyshkin.

Internet-resourcesratel.kz andZonakz.net have been again accessible for Kazakhstan's Internet-users. Nobody knew about reasons of blocking.

In February, one judicial acts of cases over suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were passed (including one in appellate instance); zero of them in favour of journalists and citizens.

Since the beginning of the year in connection with execution of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, they were brought:

-29 charges with slander (23 – passing data, Amangeldy Botabekov; 22 lectures of institute of Economy and Law)

-5 charges with incitement of social, religious and national enmity (article 174 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan); 3 of them are passing data S. Mambetalin, E. Narymbaev and E. Thaichibekov;

- 1 charge with propaganda of terrorism (passing data, B. Satkangulov);

-4 charges with dissemination of misleading information (article 274 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). 1 of them JSC “KAZKOMMERTSBANK” against journalists of Internet-portal NAKANUNE.kz;

-1 charge with evasion of the payment of taxes;

-1 charge with embezzlement of entrusted of the other property;

-1 charge with extortion (passing data, Y. Golyshkin);

-14 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation.

From January-February, courts considered 8 cases over suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation in the total amount of KZT616 millions 500 thousands and 01.

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan February, 2016 (Digest)
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