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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. November, 2015 (Digest)

Download 1 november 2015
International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" has conducted a survey of violations of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in November, 2015 in Kazakhstan.

There was following information:

-The administrator of social network “Vkontakte” Igor Sychev was sentenced to five years of deprivation of liberty. He was charged with separatist activity.
-The air line “SCAT” charged journalist Sergei Kim with slander. The trial took a place.
-The editorial staff of newspaper “Zhas Alash” was imposed on recovery of KZT40000000 as moral damage compensation for doctor acupuncturist Zhasan Zekeiuly. Editorial staff has made an appeal.
-The law “On Access to Information” came into effect on November 29, 2015.
-From November 11, 2015 blog-platform “LiveJournal” has been accessible for Kazakhstan Internet-users.

In November, three judicial acts of cases over suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were passed (including one in appellate instance); one of them in favour of journalists and citizens.

Since the beginning of the year in connection with execution of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, they were brought:

-15 charges with slander;

-10 charges with incitement of national enmity (article 174 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan);

-1 charge with propoganda of terrorism (article 256 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

-1 charge with separatism (Article 180 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

-11 charges of dissemination of misleading information (Article 274 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

-85 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation.

From January, courts considered 42 cases over suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation in the total amount of KZT874millions and 400 thousands.

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. November, 2015 (Digest)
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