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Court has dismissed suit of publisher of newspaper "Golos Respubliki" to department of internal affairs of Almaty

9 march 2011
March 09, 2011

There was a legal proceeding by suit of publisher of the newspaper "Golos Respubliki" (LLP "ADP Ltd"), related to illegal actions of police officers, who seized a part of the edition in the night of January 13th/14th, 2011 in specialized inter district court economic court of Almaty on March 04, 2011.

Lawyer of the newspaper "Golos Respubliki" Sergei Utkin was interested in reasons of seizure of a part of the edition. Representative of department of internal affairs has said that there was something seditious in articles.

Judge Daulet Ongeldiev did not see anything wrong in actions of policemen and suit of publisher of the newspaper"Golos Respubliki" has been dismissed.

Editorial staff of the newspaper intended to appeal against judge's decision in superior body. S. Utkin has said that the only court could forbid the distribution of edition, according to article 13 of law "On Mass Media". Police officers, who seized the edition, took over the function of court.
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