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Hunting for the "Ural Week": Raul Uporov tells

3 february 2021

After the car they were using, was taken to the village of Chapaevo for it was allegedly involved an an accident near the village of Krugloozernoye, the journalists decided to hire another car and go on to Atyrau.

- We went to the highway and almost immediately hitched a ride, - says Raul. – There were already passengers there, they had a flight from Atyrau to Astana today. We moved for about 15 or 20 kilometers along the highway when the police car caught up with us again. This time, the driver was accused in illegal rprivate taxi service. All of us, including the passengers who were in the car before we got in, were asked to write explanations. No one could give clear grounds for taking explanatory notes. When I asked for explanations   the police officer dilated upon what was happening in the village of Chapaevo.

More than half an hour has passed since the explanatory notes were written. The police,  does not allow the car to move on under various pretexts.

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