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"Nash Kostanay" reduces frequency of publication due COVID-19

16 july 2020

Despite all the difficulties, the newspaper "Nash Kostanay" has been published twice a week. Journalists ha been writing articles, provided information our readers.

Now “Nash Kostanay ”will be published once a week - on Thursday. Earlier it has been published on Tuesdays as well. The reason is that journalists, like doctors, are at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19, ”Askar Zhabaev, director of the“ Nash Kostanay newspaper ”LLP, told the readers. “However, the virus has also affected the journalists of our newspaper, and let the God save us from losing our colleagues forever. Although the 50-years old mother of one of our employees suddenly died  of bilateral pneumonia this week. The journalists of "Nash Kostanay " has been transferred to distance work, but each of them writes articles, talks to experts,  phone  their speakers.

In July we decided to publish only one issue of the newspaper a week instead of two due to the situation with COVID-19.

I believe there is no need to tell why we had to do that,  our readers will understand us. We do hope that we will return to our usual frequency  in August ”.

According to Zhabayev, the website https://top-news.kz/ and the newspaper accounts in social networks will work as usual.

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