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Journalist Botagoz Omarova beaten in Karaganda

17 march 2020

Journalist Botagoz Omarova reported being beaten in Karaganda. She told the KazTAG news agency reppporter:

“I was beaten. I am at the office of Eurasia Building now. I did a journalistic investigation into the quality of their buildings in the Taugul microdistrict, where they did not finish building a single house. I brought an official request. But the guard told me that they did not have an office. I said: “Well, can anyone get it?” I was waitng,  15 minutes passed. In those these 15 minutes while I was waiting, people who work for the Kazpolimetal company came to me. They are not paid a salary. They began to tell me about thier problem. No one was going to meet them, no top-managers, nobody. I started recording that on my smartphone. The security guard jumped out - a very adult man - dragged me out into the street, grabbed my phone,  started to beat me, and hit me several times on the porch. ”

According to Botagoz, the police that arrived at the scene of the incident is now trying to get a video from the building’s video camera.

“The guard began to swear at me with all sorts of words:“ What are you going here, journalist ... ”, he was insulting me. As a result, he took my cell phone. These men came out promptly, started to protect me. He began to conflict with them. At this moment, the company maked a decision and invited those people to the assembly hall. And, I believe, they were brought out through the back exit. As a result of these people - witnesses to the beating - are not here, there is only the police. These people saw how he (the guard - KazTAG) beat me. The only hope is that the police will see the beating in the video. He  (the guard - KazTAG) deleted the video showing outraged people from my phone. He was checking  my phone. Now the staff say that I'm lying. I am waiting for journalists who will cover this case. Representatives o the company are taking the police somewhere, ”the journalist added.

Botagoz Omarova, a well-known journalist from Karaganda, is currently heads the project “Public Internet Television 1101tv.kz” on YouTube. The journalist covers high-profile events, protests in Karaganda and Kazakhstan.

COMMENT of Adil soz:

The actions of the security guard of a private company contain signs of criminal offenses under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (obstruction of the legitimate professional activities of a journalist); part 1 of art. 191 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (robbery - an open theft of other people's property). Depending on the severity of the injuries inflicted, a guard who used force can be held administratively liable under Art. 73-1 Code of Administrative  Offencs  (intentional infliction of slight harm to health) or 73-2 KRKoAP (beatings).First of all, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and try to fin d witnesses. Write a statement and do not hope that the police will show exemplary zeal in the investigation, monitor its every action and react adequately if the case is dragged on.
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