Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Freedom of Speech: Violations 2019

20 january 2020

The Adil Soz Foundation made statistics on violations of the right to freedom of speech in 2019.


It  recorded:


Detained - 46 journlists
Threats to journalists and media – 10 facts
Attacks on Journalists – 17

Criminal charges:
Defamation and Insult - 26
Dessimination knowingly false information – 7
Incitement of discord – 5
Participation in the activities of a banned organization – 7
Insulting and using violence against a government official – 3
According to the Commitee on the legal statistics and special accounts of the state office of public Prosecutor of Republic of Kazakhstan:

the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan completed 24 cases under Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Institution of social, national, generic, racial, class or religious discord) in the first half of 2019.


- 18  given sentences;

- 1 dismissal of the case.

26 people were accused, 19 of them were  convicted, 3  were acquitted.

- as of December 2019, 68 cases under Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan registered in the National Register of Pre-Trial Investigations. 59 cases  weresenttothecourt.


Civil charges - 73
including 66 claims and suits for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

The claimed amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage - 101 million 500 thousand tenge.

Collected amounts of compensation for moral damage - 9 million 415 thousand tenge.

Appelants of civil claims to media: civil servants  – 22 , legal entities – 22, individuals – 22

Judgments rendered –  76  (including 21 - in the appeal, 4 – in the cassation). Of those in favor of the media and the citizens – 45.


Administrative charges - 17
Detailed statistsics in Russian is available here 

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