Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Interfering with legal professional activity of journalists

1 november 2019

January 2000 – September 2019

Adil Soz montoring stated:

- 839 cases of interfering activity of journalists

- 27 appealstopolice 

- 14 appeals to  prosecutor’s office

- 14 appeals to higher authorities

- 2 lawsuits


Rulings in favor of media – 1 (в 2005 году)

Hholding  the guilty ones disciplinary liable – 6


January-September 2019


According to the committee

on legal statistics

and special accounting

General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

According to the monitoring of

Adil Soz Foundation

- Number of cases registered at the National Register of Pre-Trial Investigations  – 2.

- 1 case dismissed.

- No cases taken to court.


- 64 cases of Interfering with legal professional activity of journalists


- 3 appealstopolive

- 1 appeal to aprosecutor’s office

- 2 appeals to higher authorities

- 2 refusals to institute  criminal cases 


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