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Former director of lyceum requested recovery of KZT10000000 (USD68027) as moral damage from newspaper "Znamya Truda"

11 april 2011
April 11, 2011

There was a legal proceeding by suit of Former Director of State Communal Public Enterprise "Professional Lyceum № 16" Buten Umbetaliev to the newspaper "Znamya Truda" and journalist Indira Botasheva in city court of Taraz. The charges stemmed from article "The kind of director lives" by Indira Botasheva, which was published in the newspaper "Znamya Truda" on February 24, 2011. This article has been about the activity of Buten Umbetaliev as a director of lyceum.

B. Umbetaliev has been disagreed with publication of I. Botasheva. He requested to make an apology before him on pages of the newspaper and recovery of KZT10000000 (USD68027) as moral damage.

Officers of General Prosecutor's Office of Zhambyl oblast acknowledged facts of violations of former director, which have been mentioned in article. They sent a letter to editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Znamya Truda" Igor Nevolin.

Defendants have addressed to court with motion for a dismissal of suit in connection with failure to comply with procedure of pre-trial settlement of dispute.
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