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Journalists of Aktobe oblast were unsatisfied by activity of press service of oblast court and local judges

3 march 2011
March 03, 2011

On March 03, 2011 journalists of Aktobe oblast have addressed to Chairman of Aktobe Oblast Court Bektas Beknazarov. It was connected with reprohibitions from judges to make audio and video record on open trials.

Representatives of local and republican media outlets have been surprised in it. Journalists were unsatisfied by activity of press service of oblast court. Its employees treated media representatives selectively as well as information on court decisions may simply not to give, by their wish explaining that the sentence has not been in force.

Journlists from Aktobe oblast thought that judges abused rights, according to constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and law "On Mass Media". They have said about their intention to lodge a complaint against illegal actions of servicemen of local courts to supreme court in a case of future refusal to media representatives under access to information and inform servicemen of general prosecutor's office about violation of rights of journalists.

Those application was signed by more twenty representatives of local and republican media outlets of Aktobe oblast.
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