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Police officers took photo camera and video equipment of reporter of newspaper "Alga" Andrei Sivko by force

3 march 2011
 March 03, 2011

On March 02, 2011 reporter of the newspaper "Alga" Andrei Sivko came to office of party "Nur Otan" in Taraz. He covered the action of Elmira Aytbekova. She has expressed her disagreement with increase of prices. Police officers, who controlled the organization of this action asked Elmira Aytbekova and Andrei Sivko to go to the police office №1 with them. Askar Kulakhmetov and Timkur Bulatbekov twisted Sivko's arms and took his photo and video cameras by force on the way to police car.

Reporter of the newspaper "Alga" Andrei Sivko has been in police office more three hours. He was released after drawing up a report on taking of video and photo cameras.

Police officers did not explain the reason of takingof video and photo cameras. to Andrei Sivko. They did not bring any accusation against him.

Andrei Sivko has sent a letter-request to Head of Police Office №1, Colonel Police T.A. Zhusupov and Chief of Department of Internal Affairs of Zhambyl Oblast B.I. Aymagambetov, related to illegal detention and taking of reporter's equipment. He has asked to make service investigation in relation to actions of police officers.
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