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Journalist was removed from court room through his chewing gum

3 march 2011
March 03, 2011

There was a legal proceeding by case of lawyer Sergei Utkin to tax department of Almaty, presided over judge of Almaty City Court Mazhit Mukhatov on appeal in city court of Almaty on March 02, 2011.

Reporters, who covered the legal proceeding entered into court room. But, judge asked them to set free the court room. He said that none has filed a motion of legal proceeding attendance. Lawyer Sergei Utkin has menitioned judge about his permission for making of audio and video record; reporters could attend the legal proceeding, according to civil procedural code. He has made filed a petition of permission for making of photo and video record, on demand of judge. M. Mukhatov satisfied the petition and asked photo correspondent of the newspaper "Respublika" Serik Kovlanbayev to stop the chewing. He demanded that photo correspondent remove from court room, otherwise he would be cleared off court room by bailiffs. Serik Kovlanbayev should obey to him.

Serik Kovlanbayev has said to correspondent of foundation "Adil Soz" that the chewing gum helped him to concentrate him on his work. He had no any reprimands on this occasion. There were no any restrictions, which regulated attendance of journalists on trials. Lawyer Sergei Utkin said that judge Mazhit Mukhatov has exceeded his authority, because he did not make any reprimands, related to the chewing on trial and rules, everyone should know.
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