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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Supreme Court of Republic of Kazakhstan will made summary of judicial practice related to recovery of moral damage from mass media and journalists

2 march 2011
March 02, 2011

Earlier, servicemen of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" and Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan have sent an open letter to Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kayrat Mami and Chairman of Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Musabek Alimbekov. They asked to analyze and summarize the judicial practice, related to recovery of moral damage from media outlets during consideration of civil cases. It was connected with some court decisions, related to recovery of wasted amounts as moral damage from those editions for the last period. As a result of it they were closed and busted.

Chairwoman of Supervisory of Bar of Civil and Administrative Cases A. Tashenova said that the summary has been made in 2008 and added that the summary of judicial practice related to recovery of moral damage from mass media and journalists would be planned on the second half of the year of 2011 by NGO's request.
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