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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Servicemen of foundation "Adil Soz" requested Public Prosecutor of Republic of Kazakhstan protection of rights of editorial staff of newspaper "Moya Respublika"

22 february 2011
February 22, 2011

Servicemen of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" were informed about the situation, related to re-registration of the newspaper "Moya Respublika-Facty, Sobytiya,Ludi". They have sent an official letter to Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.A. Mami.

Dear Mr. Mami,

Servicemen of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" asked him to take under his personal control the situation, which was connected with gross violation of constitutional right of citizens for free collection and distribution of information and norms of law "On Mass Media".

From September, 2009 employees of LLP "ADP Ltd", owner of the newspaper "Moya Respublika-Facty, Sobytiya, Ludi" have sent special documents for re-registration of the edition to ministry of culture and information, later, ministry of communication and information several times. These documents were lost by senior officials of ministry two times. They have confessed their guilt in court. Economic Court of Astana has made a ruling on February 17, 2010. The failure of Committee of Information and Archives of Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which did not make any re-registration of the newspaper "Moya Respublika-Facty, Sobytiya, Ludi" was recognized as illegal one. It should eliminate violation of rights and interests of LLP "ADP Ltd", which were protected by law; consider re-registration statement of the newspaper"Moya Respublika-Facty, Sobytiya, Ludi". Board of Appeals of Court (Astana) dismiss the decision of court of first instance, according to objection of the public prosecutor from Astana in May, 2010. Servicemen of Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan should take measures, concerning observance of owner's rights of the newspaper "Moya Respublika".

Newspaper's owner filed documents for the re-regisration of the edition to ministry of communication and information two times. But, the situation was not changed.

Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.A. Mami has signed an order № 60 "On Public Prosecutor's Supervision of Application of Laws, Observance of Rights and Freedoms of Person and Citizen" on October 01, 2010. It was necessary to pay attention to supervision of protection of rights of everyone for freedom of speech, creation, expression in printed, or other form of views and convictions, collection and distribution of information by legal way and which were guaranteed by Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Servicemen of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" asked him to take measures of public prosecutor's supervision for the restoation of legal rights of LLP "ADP Ltd", owner of the newspaper "Moya Respublika-Facty, Sobytiya, Ludi".
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