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Raushan Esergepova has filed petition with Public Prosecutor of Republic of Kazakhstan

16 february 2011

February 16, 2011

Raushan Esergepova has filed a petition with Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He should take measures, related to violations, which were committed by administration of colony with respect to her husband, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Alma-Ata Info” Ramazan Esergepov. Journalists was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in standard regime penal colony for his professional activity. Ramazan Esergepov has served 2/3 term of imprisonment.

Raushan Esergepova has said that the administration of colony dismissed the prescription of milder punishment than established by law (seven times), release on a parole (three times), substitution of unserved part of punishment more lighter penalty and transfer to colony-settlement within two years.

In her petition Raushan Esergepova reminded that numerous orders of general prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, addressed to court№2, general prosecutor's office of Zhambyl oblast dated by March 20, 2009, April 20 and 30, 2009, May 15, 18 and 20, 2009 and June 29, 2009. He should decide on the merits Esergepov's claims for illegal actions of officers of committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, department of committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Zhambyl oblast);general prosecutor's office and courts (Zhambyl oblast). But, they have been affirmed.
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