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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Editor of district newspaper “Shardara Tynysy” Zhumabek Mukanov was dismissed illegally

9 february 2011
February 09, 2011

On February 07, 2011 Shardary District Court of South Kazakhstan oblast presided by judge A. Tlegenov has made a ruling by suit about illegal dismissal of former editor-in-chief of district newspaper “Shardara Tynysy” Zhumabek Mukanov to the district akim (governor) Margulan Marayin and five state officials of local akimat (administration).

Plaintiff insisted on canceling of unreasonable order of dismissal, reinstatement of employment, payment of compensation for forced absence and recovery of KZT10000000 (USD68027) as moral damage from district akim (governor) and KZT5000000 (USD34013) as moral damage from other defendants.

Zhumabek Mukanov was dismissed for failure to provide income declaration as state official. Actually, he has been director of LLP “Rayonnaya Gazeta Shardara Tynysy”. It has not been a state institution.

The court has rendered dismissal order of Zhumabek Mukanov as illegal and dismissed it. Editor-in-chief has been dismissed in connection with the closure of LLP "Rayonnaya Gazeta Shardara Tynysy" according to court decision. Head of Shardary District Department of Economy and Finances N. Kalmuratov, who has made an dismissal order should recover KZT20000 (USD136) as moral damage; it should pay the salary KZT357330 (USD2430) for two months.

Zhumabek Mukanov thought that his dismissal and the closure of LLP "Rayonnaya Gazeta Shardara Tynysy" was connected with publication of some critical materials, related to activity of district akim (governor) M. Marayim. He has noted that it was interference to his professional activity. Mukanov intended to protect his professional rights. Head of Public Center of Expertise of Information Disputes of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” Galiya Azhenova has given an legal support in trial.
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