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Journalists of North Kazakhstan Oblast observated their professional rights

8 february 2011
February 08, 2011

On February 03, 2011 journalists of North Kazakhstan oblast attended to cover operational conference of heads of all sub-divisions of department of internal affairs. Photo video cameras and sleeves of other media representatives were tided by strips of blue colour. So, they wanted to remind policemen about the keeping of laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, especially law "On Mass Media".

It was connected with actions of policemen, officers of department of committee of national security and servicemen, who stood up in codon during organization of torch relay of seventh asian games on January 21, 2011. They tried to prevent the way for reporters. Video equipment was damaged in some cases. Media representatives could not influence on them with the help of their special uniform and service certification. None of them could cover and attend the second part of ceremony of torch relay.

Journalists have applied for public foundation of support of regional mass media "Adil Arka". But, servicemen of foundation have made an writen statement, which was addressed to department of internal affairs (North Kazakhstan oblast), military unit 6637 and department of committee of national security (North Kazakhstan oblast) in connection with illegal actions of officers.

A Head of Department of Internal Affairs of North Kazakhstan Murat Urumkhanov has sent the response to public foundation "Adil Arka" on February 08, 2011. He has made an apology before media representatives for actions of his subalterns. The same letter has been from a Chief of Military Unit 6637 Kayrat Aktanov. Correspondents of mass media (North Kazakhstan) have hoped that forced structures would not interfere journalists to professional activity in future. Acting Head of Department of Committee of National Security (North Kazakhstan oblast) Kalgayev thought that servicemen of department of committee of national security (North Kazakhstan oblast), who provided security during the ceremony of torch relay of seventh asian games did not violate legal rights of media representatives in Petropavlovsk.
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