Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Editorial staff of Internet-portal "Respublika" thinks that DOS-attacks on their domain have been politically motivated

10 november 2010
There was a company, which provided hosting services for domain of Internet-portal "Respublika" (www.respublika-kaz.info). It informed to the editorial staff that there were Ddos-attacks on their server for the last two weeks, for example "Get floods".

As a result of it installation of some pages and pictures has been problematical, separate pages have been unaccessible.

Domain names www.respublika-kz.info and www.respublikas.info are functioned in standard regime.

The website of opposition newspaper "Respublika" was blocked and attacked by hackers several times. In September, 2010 scientists and specialists (Canada) of Internet-technologies, for example "Ninja from Toronto" made a project "Respublika-KZ", which will help to avoid the blocking of Internet-portal "Respublika".

Editorial staff thinks that these attacks on domain www.respublika-kaz.info were connected with pressure of law-enforcement and tax organs of the Republic of Kazakhstan upon independent Kazakhstan's mass media; including the same with website of newspaper "Respublika" with the goal of their closure and restriction and suppression of freedom of speech in the republic, in general.


"Get floods" – is the most distributed type of DDos-attack. It delivers HTTP'-requests GET to attacked web-server. It can be uncapable to procedure of other requests. "Get floods" can be aimed at root server and script, which fulfills resource tasks.

In first version, attacked computer is uncapable to process legitimate requests, because falsed packages cover the whole channel. In second one flood-attack promotes to frequent use of service with the help of resourse operations. Computer resources will be merged. It can not service Internet-users.
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