Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection


19 december 2022

To the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev 




Dear Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich! 


We apply to you on the blatant violation of the constitutional rights of the prominent journalist Mikhail Kozachkov. 

The detention of the well-known journalist Mikhail Kozachkov contradicts the very basis of the legislation of our country and the international obligations assumed by Kazakhstan. 

He was named guilty of a number of serious crimes publicly and out of court, that constitutes violation of Article 77 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A detailed accusatory press release was disseminated promptly after the detention. 

Mikhail Kozachkov's right to defense was grossly violated as well: he was  deprived of the constitutionally guaranteed right to assistance of a lawyer for several hours. The search in Kozachkov's apartment took place in absence of a lawyer, who was simply not allowed inside by Financial Monitoring Agency officers. He was not allowed even when police officers came to the scene. The lawyer was also deprived of the opportunity of a confidential conversation with Mikhail Kozachkov. 

Besides, a number of charges brought against Kozachkov are to be investigated by police but not by the Financial Monitoring Agency. 

These facts are quite enough to admit the FMA's actions against Mikhail Kozachkov illegal and inadmissible. 

Shortly before the detention, the journalist reported threats against him and his children, as well as slander disseminated in social networks and instant messengers. 

All these  suggest the ordered nature of this case, caused by journalistic investigations,  conducted and published by Mikhail Kozachkov. 

Mikhail Kozachkov is a skilled journalist known for his sharp criticism of corruption and other violations of the law, committed by law enforcement and the judiciary and other state bodies. All his articles are based on documents and facts. 

There are serious reasons to doubt the fairness and objectivity of the investigation, since the actions of law enforcement agencies are  in fact sabotaging the political reforms you promised and building a Just Kazakhstan - Adiletti Kazakhstan. 

The investigation and trial must be conducted in full compliance with all international standards and Kazakhstan's obligations to respect the right to a fair trial. We believe that Mikhail Kozachkov should be immediately released and officials responsible for the violations of his rights should be held accountable. We ask you, as a guarantor of the inviolability of the Constitution and human rights and freedoms, to put an end to the illegal persecution of investigative journalist M. Kozachkov. 


Karlygash Jamankulova, President of the International Foundation for  Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adilsoz” 

Tamara Kaleeva, founder of the International Foundation for  Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adilsoz” 

Zhemis Turmagambetova, Executive Director of the Charter for Human Rights Public Foundation 

Seitkazy Matayev, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan 

Evgeny Zhovtis, Director of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law 

Asset Matayev, KazTAG International News Agency 

Galiya Azhenova, International Foundation for  Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adilsoz” 

Madina Alimkhanova, International Foundation for  Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adilsoz” 

Elena Tsoi, International Foundation for  Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adilsoz” 

Elena Malygina, International Foundation for  Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adilsoz” 

Nurken Halykbergen, PR expert 

Chingiz Lepsibayev,  “Eurasian Expert Council” Public fund 

Vyacheslav Abramov, General Director of the Vlast.kz 

Dinara Satzhan, journalist 

Timur Gafurov, Editor-in-chief of “Nasha Gazeta” (Kostanay) 

Askar Aktleuov,  "Tilshi" (Aktobe) Public Fund 

Maya Shuakbayeva, "First Channel Eurasia" 

Aiken Mukanova, journalist and PR specialist (Astana) 

Ainur Saparova,  “Ak Zhaiyk" reporter (Atyrau) 

Alisher Yelikbayev, communications specialist 

Lev Guzikov, freelance journalist (Atyrau) 

Sanzhar Bokaev, political scientist 

Asel Karaulova, “Kazakhstan Press Club” 

Rinat Balgabaev, PR advisor 

Katerina Popkova, “Khabar 24"TV (Shymkent) 

Nursultan Abbaz,  “Khabar 24" TV(Shymkent) 

Alyona Gorbacheva, TV  Seven 

Editorial office of the newspaper "Vremya" 

Editorial board of the website "Nege.kz» 

Askar Dzhaldinov, journalist 

Ruslan Bakhtigareev, administrator of the public "Journalists, PR specialists, bloggers of Kazakhstan" 

Marat Shibutov, political scientist, member of the Public Council of Almaty 

Sergey Ponomarev, Deputy of the Maslikhat of Almaty 

Dosym Satpayev, Political scientist, Risk Assessment Group 

Marina Nizovkina,  “Atameken" TV (Shymkent) 

Ayan Sharipbayev, editor of the Elmedia Youtube channel 

Amir Kasenov, Editor-in-Chief of  “KazTAG” international news agency 

Asel Kozhakova, communication agency Redpoint Kazakhstan 

Laura Barysova, PRshy Club 

Zaure Zhumalieva, Director of "Adil Arka" (Petropavlovsk) 

Yerzhan Suleimenov, media expert 

Jamila Maricheva, ProTenge 

Yulia Pankratova, journalist 

Ekaterina Volkova, journalist 

Taisiya Koroleva, ProTenge reporter 

Akkozha Dastan, journalist 

Yatsun Maria, ProTenge 

Karlygash Ezhenova, editor of exclusive.kz 

Gulim Amirkhanova, media specialist 

Editorial office of  “KazTAG” International News Agency 

Saltanat Askerbekkyzy, AS Media company 

Olga Tonkonog-Daribaeva, journalist 

Dina Imambai, journalist 

Editorial board of the website “Orda.kz ” 

Gulnar Bazhkenova, Editor-in-chief of Orda.kz 

Abul Kekilbayev, aviation expert 

Rosa Yesenkulova, journalist 

Alisa Masaleva, newspaper journalist 

Time (Shymkent) 

Ekaterina Nazarenko, Editor-in-chief of Petropavlovsk News Agency 

Olga Vitukevich,  “First Channel Eurasia” TV 

Bakimov Daniyar, RocketPlastic 

Saida Tursumetova, editor-in-chief of ELITAR.KZ 

Anton Danilov, editor-in-chief of titus.kz 

Yulia Latypova, editor of  BaigeNews.kz news agency 

Tolegen Imanov, journalist (Petropavlovsk) 

Artur Zhumabayev,  Aktobe Times reporter 

Zauresh Battalova, President of the Foundation for the Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan 

Vitaly Shevchenko, graphic designer 

Olga Nastyukova, journalist 

Galym Ageleuov, human rights activist, President of Liberty Public Fund 

Editorial office of  inAktau.kz 

Khalil Ruziev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Malik Shakenov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Danara Zhumanova, journalist of the program "Studio 7" TV  Seven 

Abzal Zhamalov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Daniyar Badenov, a resident of Astana. 

Anara Shardarbek-Makhmetova, entrepreneur 

Dias Eszhanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Zhanel Zhanakhmetova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Dmitry Shishkin, publisher of the media project "Shishkin_like" 

Editorial office of the newspaper “Our Life" (Pavlodar region) 

Elena Vasilchenko, editor of the newspaper ”Our Life" (Pavlodar region) 

Daniyar Sadvakasov, a journalist from Aqmola region 

Georgy Govorov,  Nasha Gazeta weekly reporter 

Nikita Danilin, journalist (Almaty) 

Olga Likhograi, columnist of Kostanay regional weekly "Nasha Gazeta" 

Ksenia Rebik, web editor of Kostanay regional weekly "Nasha Gazeta" 

Dauren Kenzhegaliev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Muslim Abdurrakhman, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Madat Nurumov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Aisulu Karatai, Marketer/analyst 

Sabir Butunov (Republic of Uzbekistan) 

Galina Petrenko, Nasha Gazeta reporter 

Anastasia Yatsun, journalist 

Azhar Kashymkulova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Aizhan Zhumagulova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Irina Chernykh, Professor of Kazakh National University 

Adil Jalilov, Director of the MediaNet/Factcheck International Journalism Center 

Zhanbota Saduev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Olga Sudareva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Duman Smakov, editor-in-chief of Factcheck.kz 

Asem Zhamanbayeva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Ilya Rybin, journalist 

Victoria Tyuleneva, Project Director of Freedom House Representative Office in Kazakhstan 

Bahrambek Talibzhanov, TV Seven reporter 

Snezhana Tsoi, MediaNet/Factcheck International Journalism Center 

Medet Yessimkhanov, Factcheck.kz 

Gulnara Ermanova, journalist 

Asel Tukusheva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Vyacheslav Antonov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Imamadi Aitzhanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Ainabekov S.E., citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Sergey Kornyakov, journalist 

Oksana Kanakhina, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Editorial board of  Bizmedia.kz 

Kirill Berdetsky, journalist, civil activist, press secretary of JSC SEC Taraz 

Nazira Darimbet,  "REPUBLIC.kz.media" 

Irina Petrushova,  "REPUBLIC.kz.media" 

Oksana Makushina,  "REPUBLIC.kz.media" 

Yulia Kozlova,  "REPUBLIC.kz.media" 

T.N. Kuchura, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reader of the Kozachkov offside telegram channel 

Dmitry Dubovitsky, journalist, author of the project "They have already left for us" 

Editorial office of the newspaper "Ak Zhaiyk" (Atyrau) 

Dias Battalov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Saule Kashieva, Nasha Gazeta reporter  

Medimanov Zhandos, former serviceman, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Gulmira Birzhanova, Lawyer, Legal Media Center 

Diana Okremova, Director of the Legal Media Center 

Ualikhan Shyngys, independent investigative journalist 

Olesya Bassarova, journalist 

Miras Galym, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Anar Nurmakhanova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Dmitry Mazorenko, editor of Vlast.kz 

Ayym Karibayeva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Amirlan Suleimenov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Nurlan Amrekulov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Dauren Isagulov, producer of the program “Studio 7”, TV Seven   

Marina Mikhtayeva, journalist 

Zhuldyz Abdilda, journalist 

Editorial staff of the cross-media platform Men Communication 

Vladimir Krikun, journalist, Kostanay 

Alexandra Sergazinova, Editor of the TobolInfo News Agency 

Kanat Torebay, film producer 

Olga Znamenskaya, Chief Editor of Esquire Kazakhstan 

Aigul Sartbayeva 

Helcha Ismailova, journalist 

Tatiana Begaykina, journalist, volunteer 

Daniyar Adilbekov, journalist and editor-in-chief of the PRESS.KZ  

Gauhar Satpayeva, Director of Artmeken Gallery 

Alexander Gavryushin, businessman 

Sergey Nagovitsyn, journalist 

Irina Galkina, journalist 

Olga Nastyukova, journalist 

Mariam Ungarova, journalist 

Marslen Babashev, lawyer of UAC Parity 

Larisa Gubasheva, journalist of the Zhambyl regional newspaper Znamya Truda 

Yernar Imangaliev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Margarita Bocharova, journalist 

Beisen Akzholov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Kumekov Nurislan Nurlanovich, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Zarina Akhmatova, journalist, media expert 

Ualitova Gulzhanat, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Bakytzhan Oishiev, independent journalist, head of the NGO "Center for Journalistic Research of Public Problems "Adaleumettik Journalism" 

Abishev Zhasulan, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Zaure Mirzakhodzhayeva, journalist 

Elena Kuznetsova, journalist 

Gulnara Ermanova (Dzhusupova), journalist 

Sultan Zhakupov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Sergey Kim, journalist, FactCheck.kz 

Ermek Saparbekov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Zhanar Kanafina, the First channel "Eurasia" 

Alma Serikpaeva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Diana Kalmanbaeva, journalist of the Zhambyl regional newspaper "Znamya Truda" 

Aibekgizzat, lawyer, political scientist 

Bakhyt Syzdykova, public figure 

Lubov Dobrota, journalist 

Sultan Ziyatbekov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Tamara Vaal,  Vlast.kz 

Alexander Pokusov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Asel Gabbasova, Communications Specialist 

Indira Kalieva, journalist 

Zhanat Nurgaliyev, Director of INTEGRITY ASTANA 

Maxim Lotarev, Editor of Boss-Agro magazine 

Editorial board of  Lada.kz (Aktau) 

Adil Suinbayev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Moldir Utegenova, Project Manager, MediaNet International Journalism Center 

Myrzamurat NurTemirbekuly, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Nazym Jazylbekova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RES designer (Astana) 

The editors of  Optimism.kz 

Ospanov Bakhtiar, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Rauan Abdrakhmanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Manarbek Ramazanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Olga Maksimova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Oksana Dementievskaya, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Yulia Dilmukhambetova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Tatiana Govorkova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Aslan Bakirov, citizen of Kazakhstan 

Arman Ramazanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

N. Makhmudov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Sagi Chuzhebayev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Asel Aushakimova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Asiya Agibayeva, General Director of Capital Publishing House LLP, Editor-in-Chief of Kapital.kz 

Azamat Shantayev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Asel Nukusheva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Asset  Bakhtiyarov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Temerlan Zhanbekov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Natalia Mukhanova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Altynai Tatibekova, individual entrepreneur 

Serikzhan Mauletbay, CEO of Bes.Media 

Valeria Galimova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Maya Akisheva, journalist (Almaty) 

Aigul Baysarina, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Medet Makanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Alisher Bodaubekov, teacher, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Public organization “Kazak saittarynyn kauymdastygy” 

Editorial office of  Total.kz 

Suleimenov Nurbek, logistics on railway transport 

Kuanysh Zhapbasbayev, Deputy Director of “ORDA TS” LLP 

Bakhyt Adilova, mining and metallurgy  

Irina Kryshtop, journalist 

Ulpash Kanzhigalina , citizen of Kazakhstan, retiree 

Alexander Rozhkov, journalist 

Alyona Pankova, Newspaper for retirees, Karaganda 

Nurgul Khairullina, journalist, PR specialist 

Baktygul Urbayeva, media expert, media trainer 

Sergey Nagovitsyn, journalist 

Marat Makhmetov, mgorod.kz 

Natalia Boyko, journalist, PR specialist 

Talgat Umarov, journalist 

Kristina Yusicheva, journalist 

Adil Tulepbergenov journalist 

Khaliya Zhuldaspayeva, journalist 

Fatima Kosayeva, PR specialist 

Zhanar Sekerbayeva, activist, human rights activist 

Bayan Barmankulova, art critic 

Dalia Nasipova ,  journalist 

Gulmira Mathalikova, journalist, PR specialist 

Zulfiya Raisova, media specialist 

Botagoz Omarova, journalist 

Dinara Egeubayeva, journalist 

Olga Gumirova, journalist, Almaty 

Rinat Abdulkhalikov, journalist 

Asia Baigozhina, screenwriter, documentary film director 

Almas  Konurbaev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Nursultan Asykbayev, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Nurgeldyabdy Gani, journalist and political scientist 

Lyazzat Sagyndykova, Head of the KAZAKH INVEST Press Service 

Anar Aitbayeva, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Myrzamurat Olzhas, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Lola Kasymova,  citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Sanat Urnaliev, journalist 

Talgat Bukharbayev, journalist 

Zulfiya Iskalieva, journalist, PR manager 

Evgenia Morozova, journalist 

Bakytzhan Ormanov, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Yuri Katalevich, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Gaia Ostrovskaya, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Elena Koemets, journalist 

Andrey Chebotarev, political scientist 

Dana Nukeeva-Soy, TV producer, journalist 

Ayman Abilmazhinova, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Maria Melnikova, journalist 

Elena Ulyanenko, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Alexander Hubert, journalist, teacher 

Sandugash Duysenova , journalist 

Anna Yalomenko, journalist 

Tamara Batcha, citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Alexey Gostev, journalist, editor 


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