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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan November, 2014 (Digest)

Download 1 november 2014

International foundation for protection of freedom of speech «Adil Soz» has conducted a survey, concerning in the sphere of violation of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information in November, 2014. 

There was following information:
-Department of Internal Policy (Almaty) demanded to close magazine “ADAM bol” because of propaganda of war.
-Cassation instance has increased tenfold amount of compensation of moral damage. The assistant of imam of mosque has filed a suit against owner of magazine “ADAM bol”. Now, LLP “ADAMDAR” (“PEOPLE”) shall recover KZT5000000 (1USD=183.80).
-Reporter of the independent international organization IWPR Gaziza Baituova informed about illegal attempt to send her to psychiatric hospital.
-Some publications of foundation «Adil Soz», concerning situation around magazine “ADAM bol” have been out of access for Kazakhstan's Internet-users.
-General Prosecutor's Office has warned of responsibility for dissemination of video clip, devoted to citizens from Kazakhstan in Syria, who committed on the side of terrorist organizations. 

In November, two suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation were filed against media outlets and citizens. 

Four judicial acts, concerning prior cases were performed, including one– hearing in appellate instance; three of them were performed in favour of journalists, media outlets and citizens. 

-15 charges with slander; 90 pre-trial claims and suits on protection of honour, dignity and business reputation in the amount of KZT 779 millions and 400 thousand were brought against media outlets and citizens in connection with exercise of right to freedom of expression, receiving and dissemination of information, in general and since the beginning of the year.

Violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan November, 2014 (Digest)
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